¿Cómo puedo hacer un listado de adherentes visible en tiempo real dentro de un formulario de adhesión a un comunicado?

  • alrescatedelpatrimonio
    Fecha de consulta 13 de noviembre de 2023, 8:16

    Hola! Quiero crear un formulario que sea un comunicado al cual distintas personas o grupos puedan adherir y que a medida que vayan adhiriendo, queden automáticamente agregados a un listado visible, debajo del comunicado, de todos los que adhirieron hasta el momento. ¿Se puede hacer? Gracias

  • Ryan Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de noviembre de 2023, 10:30

    Hi Ezequiel,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. This is possible by creating an HTML Table Listing Report for your real-time list of all those who joined. Then, add an Iframe Embed Widget in your form for the report. Please check out the steps and screenshots below where I created a real-time Auction Form:

    1. In your Form Builder, create the necessary fields for your Auction Form. Here, I added a Full Name and Short Text fields for Name and Bid.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 1 Screenshot 100 Screenshot 10
    2. Add an Iframe Embed Widget in your form for your HTML Table Listing Report.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 2 Screenshot 111 Screenshot 21
    In this instruction, we will create an HTML Table Listing Report.

    3.1. Select your Form and click Reports.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 3 Screenshot 122 Screenshot 32
    3.2. Click Add New Report

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 4 Screenshot 133 Screenshot 43
    3.3. Select the HTML Table Listing.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 5 Screenshot 144 Screenshot 54
    3.4. Select the fields that you want to be shown on your HTML Table Listing which are the fields that will be shown on the real-time bid. After that, click Create.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 6 Screenshot 155 Screenshot 65
    You might also want to check out this guide about How to Create an HTML Table Listing Report.

    3.5. Copy the Report Link so that you can paste this URL to your Iframe Embed Widget.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 7 Screenshot 166 Screenshot 76
    3.6. Paste the URL in your Iframe Embed Widget and click Update Widget.

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 8 Screenshot 177 Screenshot 87

    How can I create an Auction App? Image 9 Screenshot 188 Screenshot 98

    You can check or clone my demo form here.

    If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, can you explain a bit more so I can help you better?

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.