Mi form insertado en Wix a través de código HTML tiene un bug.

  • Elorza
    Fecha de consulta 23 de junio de 2023, 16:14

    Hola, estoy haciendo copy-paste del código de mi form pero al momento de interactuar con el form en mi sitio web publicado y expandir los campos estos "empujan" el botón de enviar. Creo que es un bug del código. Pueden probarlo ustedes mismos al ingresar en mi sitio y desplegar productos de las 3 categorías. https://www.velmarmex.com/pedidoplayeras

    Hi, I am doing copy-paste of my form code but when interacting with the form on my published website and expanding the fields they "push" the submit button. I think it is a bug in the code. You can test it yourself by logging into my site and displaying products from the 3 categories. https://www.velmarmex.com/pedidoplayeras

    Jotform Thread 5271741 Screenshot
  • Mianala Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 24 de junio de 2023, 7:59

    Hello Elorza,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am sure I understood your request. Here is how the form displays on the form builder page.

    Mi form insertado en Wix a través de código HTML tiene un bug Screenshot 30

    and here it is on your website.

    Mi form insertado en Wix a través de código HTML tiene un bug Screenshot 41

    The form is displaying in columns if there are three items and shows two if there are two items.

    Could you please provide us more explanation in order for us to better help you?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • Elorza
    Fecha de respuesta 26 de junio de 2023, 10:43

    The issue is about the fact that if you select items from the 3 rows lets say A001, A015 & A024 the content pushes the "send" button away of the box, therefore the client can't click on it, it disappears.

    I've tried making the boxes bigger in this website but this problem still happens.

    https://www.velmarmex.com/copia-de-pedido-playerasMi form insertado en Wix a través de código HTML tiene un bug Screenshot 20

  • Ryan Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 26 de junio de 2023, 18:31

    Hi Elorza, 

    Thanks for getting back to us. I tested your embedded form and I was able to replicate the issue. Can you try to embed your form using the Iframe Embed Code and see if it resolves the issue?

    You might also want to check out this guide about Embedding the Form Into Your Wix Site.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • Elorza
    Fecha de respuesta 26 de junio de 2023, 20:11

    Hi! Thank you for the alternative, it's still not working with the iFrame embed, just for the record I was adding it from the "wix" publish>platform>wix route. What actually did solve it was adding it as a "embed site" and adding the form link instead of the "html" copy-paste. I hope it helps someone else. Mi form insertado en Wix a través de código HTML tiene un bug Screenshot 20

  • Ryan Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 26 de junio de 2023, 20:20

    Hi Elorza, 

    Thanks for getting back to us. We're glad that the issue has been resolved on your end.

    Additionally, I was able to resolve the issue on my end by using the Iframe Embed Code and changing the scrolling value to "yes". Check out the Iframe Embed Code below:

       title="NEÓN A"
       allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"


    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • Elorza
    Fecha de respuesta 27 de junio de 2023, 9:55

    Thank you for the help!