Tanda Tangan Elektronik untuk Manajemen Produk

Fully digitize your product management workflow with Jotform Sign. Speed up manual tasks and get rid of messy paperwork using customizable e-signature documents and powerful automation features. Share or embed documents and collect signatures from any device.



Template TTE Manajemen Produk Gratis

Tidak yakin harus mulai dari mana? Pilih salah satu template manajemen produk siap pakai kami di bawah ini untuk mulai mengumpulkan tanda tangan. Buat perubahan dalam hitungan detik dengan pembuat tanpa kode, seret dan lepas kami.

Perjanjian Sewa Perangkat Lunak

Template software-lease-agreement
Template software-lease-agreement

Template Proposal Pemasaran

Template marketing-proposal-template
Template marketing-proposal-template


Kolektor Tanda Tangan Gratis untuk Manajer Produk

Create Product Management Documents

Drag and drop to create custom product management documents that work for you and your team. Include your branding, add or edit text and signature fields, change fonts and colors, and much more. You can also create a custom signing order for your documents.

Nikmati Fitur Kuat

Jotform Sign includes advanced field detection, drag-and-drop-customization, automated e-signature workflows, custom signing orders, and much more. Easily share your documents directly from your Jotform Sign dashboard, or embed them in an internal company website with a simple copy-paste embed code.

Kumpulkan Tanda Tangan Di Mana Saja

Collaborate with your team anytime, anywhere. Jotform Sign’s responsive online documents can be filled out and signed on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Keamanan Informasi Terjaga

Store your data with peace of mind. Jotform Sign is GDPR-, CCPA-, and PCI-compliant. All data and e-signatures collected through your documents are automatically protected with industry-leading security features.

Kasus Penggunaan Manajemen Produk

Cari tahu bagaimana perusahaan Anda dapat menggunakan Tanda Tangan Jotform untuk melancarkan proses manajemen produk Anda.

Manajemen Rilis

Track and manage your approval processes when preparing for a product launch. Use custom, signable documents to plan, build, test, deploy, and review your entire product launch from start to finish from within your Jotform Sign dashboard.

Business Planning Process

Kumpulkan masukan dari pelanggan dan tim manajemen produk Anda untuk membangun garis besar visi produk Anda — lalu kirimkan peta jalan produk Anda untuk disetujui.

Manajemen Proyek

Buat pengakuan persyaratan tim digital untuk memastikan ada komunikasi yang jelas antara manajemen produk dan tim teknik Anda.

Software Proposal Process

Automate your software creation and approval process. Jotform Sign will make your ideation, creation, and editing processes run smoothly.