Cómo puedo definir desde otro campo el monto a cobrar en la pasarela

  • MovoNovo
    Fecha de consulta 3 de mayo de 2023, 2:26

    Quiero cobrar un monto específico a través de stripe. Este monto depende de otro campo del formulario. Cómo lo puedo pegar para que le cobre ese monto automáticamente.

  • Kris Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 3 de mayo de 2023, 3:38

    Hello Mario,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'm sorry if I responded in a different language since our Spanish Support is currently not available. I’ll do my best to help you out.

    If I understand this correctly, you want to get an amount from another field that you can pass to the Stripe payment integration. If yes, this can be possible by using the form fields/elements that can carry Calculation Values. See this guide on how to assign Calculation Values, this will explain to you how to set values on choices.

    After setting the Calculation Values, you can get the value using the Form Calculation widget that you will pass on to the Stripe integration or any payment integration. Check out this guide on how to pass a calculation to a payment field.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have other questions

  • MovoNovo
    Fecha de respuesta 3 de mayo de 2023, 3:39

    Thank you!