Assistenza Sanitaria

The easy way to collect sensitive patient information

The easy way to collect sensitive patient information

Jotform Enterprise è stato scelto da migliaia di operatori del settore medico sanitario in tutto il mondo.

Aspen Valley Hospital
Australian Psychology Society
 Denver Health

Template Moduli per Aziende Sanitarie

Jotform Enterprise ti consente di creare un modulo in pochi minuti. Se non vuoi perdere tempo, sfoglia la nostra raccolta di template gratuiti per il settore sanitario.

Patient Feedback Form
Modulo Feedback dei Pazienti
Patient Intake Forms
Modulo Accettazione Pazienti
Patient Intake Form
Digital Signatures
Firme Elettroniche
Digital signatures
Moduli HIPAA-Friendly

HIPAA and security

HIPAA and security

Collecting patient information has always been a headache. Jotform Enterprise makes it easy for anyone in your organization to create a HIPAA-friendly form, and the forms improve the patient experience. Using our HIPAA features, your form data submissions are encrypted to ensure patient information stays safe. Your patient data is also stored in a local data residency center with added SOC 2 compliance, and you have complete control over who has access to your forms and data. If you’re accepting payments, Jotform Enterprise provides bank-level security.

Veloce ed Efficiente

Practice management

Practice management

Managing a medical practice is hard work. Make your practice run faster, efficiently and meet privacy regulations by having your patients and employees complete necessary paperwork online.

When you get rid of paper forms and move to digital forms, you’ll instantly improve and automate the flow of patient information. Plus, patients can complete any forms from any location, check-in for an appointment, and submit their health insurance information. Jotform Enterprise also includes integrations with popular business software, which helps streamline your workflow.

Facile da Usare

Patient onboarding

Patient Onboarding

Onboarding a new patient requires several steps. Not only are you collecting information about the patient’s health history, you’re also collecting insurance and payment information, and consent for treatment, as well. Your patients can also upload important documents, including photos. Jotform Enterprise helps you get rid of the mountain of paper forms and digitize this process, and allow your patients to complete the forms anywhere.

Attract Users

Marketing your practice

Marketing your practice

Building your healthcare practice is one of the most exciting, and intimidating, activities you’ll manage. From attracting new patients, making people aware of new services and treatments, to ensuring patients have a positive experience, there’s a lot of items you need to handle.

Jotform Enterprise makes it easier by providing you the tools you need to create, distribute and tabulate patient satisfaction surveys. When you create a contact form, it’s the first step in building and managing your patient mailing list. Additionally, you can make it easy and convenient for patients to schedule appointments online.

Toolkit di telemedicina

Helping you treat patients

Helping you treat patients

Aggiungi un nuovo potente strumento al tuo kit di telemedicina! Utilizzando Jotform Enterprise, puoi creare facilmente moduli medici online compatibili con HIPAA per proteggere i dati sensibili sulla salute dei pazienti. Scopri le potenti funzionalità che rendono Jotform Enterprise il software ideale per i professionisti del settore sanitario.

Firme elettroniche

Automate signing processes

Automate signing processes

Streamline your e-sign process with Jotform Sign. Not only can you track the signing process from start to finish, you can also set up specific automation tools to help manage your clinic or hospital more efficiently. Set up a signing order for your document. Once an individual has signed, your document will be sent to the next party until all have signed. Then everyone will receive a copy for their records.

Vuoi condividere questi vantaggi con il tuo team o il tuo responsabile?

Scopri come gli operatori sanitari utilizzano Jotform Enterprise

  • Using Jotform Enterprise makes the patient intake process faster and eliminates human error. By making form fields required and using conditional logic we can efficiently capture all the data we need.

    Kayla S.

    Responsabile del Centro di Assistenza

    Honor Health Network

  • The HIPAA compliance solutions available through Jotform Enterprise enable us to meet all the security requirements, do more academic research, and publish our work. I’m excited to be able to be a part of comprehensive research and evaluation to improve the whole system in eating disorders and further advances across the continuum of care.

    Jeannine Smith

    PMDip-Dietetics, RD

    Body Brave

  • It’s so refreshing to find an organization that helps us amplify our values and solve problems related to the care and well-being of populations when that support is desperately needed.

    Wil Trohanis

    Chief Revenue Officer

    One to One Health

  • With Jotform Enterprise, we can modernize old ways of doing business. Instead of requiring paper forms, we can quickly morph online form templates into whatever we need by adapting the flow or adding hidden fields, which saves us, our users, and our end-clients a lot of time.

    Darren Lee

    SMS Solutions Architect

    Sterling Administration

Servizi Professionali

Ottieni un aiuto pratico dal nostro team

Get hands-on help from our team

Il nostro team dedicato è al tuo servizio per garantire un’implementazione perfetta e su misura per le esigenze della tua organizzazione. Ricevi la consulenza dei nostri esperti in ogni fase del processo, dalla creazione del modulo all'ottimizzazione del flusso di lavoro. Lascia che ti aiutiamo a mettere il turbo alla tua attività.