- 1,166 Forms
- 100% Percent of paper forms to be digitized with Jotform
- 330,775+ Form submissions
Casi Studio di Jotform Enterprise
Scopri come Jotform Enterprise aiuta le aziende ad automatizzare i processi e supportare i lavoratori.
ContattaciUnisciti alle organizzazioni che si affidano a Jotform Enterprise.
Tutti i Casi Studio
Potenti moduli per ogni utilizzo-
ExCel London automates 94% of manual emails with Jotform Enterprise
Miami-Dade County Public Schools automates complex processes with Jotform Enterprise
Career Path Services creates access to jobs and housing with Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
How Sterling Administration uses Jotform Enterprise and AI to ensure the safety of seniors
Electrical Testing Ltd cut risk assessment times by 50% with Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
Honor Health Network supercharges home care with Jotform Enterprise and Egnyte
How Chandler, Arizona, is going paperless with Jotform Enterprise
Why the University of Michigan calls Jotform Enterprise a game changer
How iTOTEM cut processing times by 25% with Jotform Enterprise
Tinley Park Public Library engages its community with Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
One to One Health enhances health services and proves ROI with Jotform Enterprise
No Profit
United Way Roanoke Valley empowers staff and engages its community with Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
Body Brave migliora l'accesso ai servizi sanitari con Jotform Enterprise
ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd. gestisce la propria attività con Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
Ecco come OrthoIllinois migliora le esperienze e il processo decisionale utilizzando Jotform Enterprise
Gestire famosi ristoranti londinesi con Jotform Enterprise
No Profit
La Arbor Day Foundation porta avanti la sua missione con Jotform Enterprise
Three Rivers Park District gestisce 27.000 acri con Jotform Enterprise
Come CiviLaw.Tech utilizza Jotform Enterprise per gestire il proprio lavoro
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences creates custom enrollment experiences with Jotform Enterprise
In che modo Jotform Enterprise è il cuore dei team del Pasadena City College in tutto il campus
Odyssey Charter Schools automatizza le operazioni di amministrazione con Jotform Enterprise
Assistenza Sanitaria
Jotform Enterprise e One to One Health aiutano a proteggere le comunità
Jotform Enterprise aiuta a crescere e offrire contenuti interessanti
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria’s productivity gets a boost
Come Park County, nel Montana, utilizza Jotform per combattere il COVID-19
How the County of Marin uses Jotform Enterprise to help residents during COVID-19