Las e-firmas se unen a la automatización
Create e-sign documents for every part of your business with Jotform Sign — powerful e-signature solution. Customize your documents by adding multiple signers, sending reminder emails, and delegating signing rights as needed.
Cómo utilizar Jotform Firmas
Discover how Jotform Sign can help your business
Process client contracts and proposals
Create and customize your e-signature documents to match your specific needs. Add signers to your documents and make sure your client contracts, proposals, and other documents are signed quickly and correctly with Jotform Sign.
Reduce paper and printing costs
Create one document and send it to multiple signers, saving money and time. Send your document to signers via email, share it by copying and pasting a link, or embed it directly in your website for easy access. You can even set up an automated signing order to ensure your documents are seen by the right people, in the right order.
Automate your e-signature collection process
Cree un proceso de firmas electrónicas que sea fácil para usted y su público. Personalice sus formularios de firmas electrónicas a su gusto. Permita los firmantes delegar a otros para que firmen por ellos, cree fechas de expiración de formularios y añada destinatarios CC.
Track document progress with Jotform Sign Inbox
Jotform Sign Inbox provides an easy-to-use dashboard to track the status of all documents in your workspace. From this console you can
- See which forms haven't been signed
- Send reminder emails
- Search for, filter, view, and download e-sign documents
- Navigate to other documents using the dropdown arrow next to each document's title
Keep your e-signature documents safe
Mejore la seguridad y el control de sus datos con el certificado digital de Jotform Firmas. Todos los datos de los documentos se almacenan de forma segura en los centros de residencia local de datos de Jotform con los más altos estándares del sector, incluido el cifrado SSL de 256 bits, la certificación SOC 2 Tipo II, y funciones que permiten cumplir con el cumplimiento HIPAA. También tiene la opción de almacenar datos dentro de la UE.