Интеграции / Google Calendar

Schedule Google Calendar events automatically

Streamline your scheduling process with Jotform's Google Calendar integration. New events are instantly added to your calendar based on form submissions so you can save time and stay organized.

Integrate with Google Calendar

Seamlessly schedule events with Google Calendar

When you receive a form submission, a calendar event is automatically generated and synced to your Google Calendar so you can skip the need for manual entry.

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 Google Calendar

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Schedule Event

Create a new event in Google Calendar

Integrate with Google Calendar

Jotform + Google Calendar

Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how you can integrate your online forms with Google Calendar.

 Google Calendar - Video

Learn more about Jotform + Google Calendar Integration

How to Integrate Forms With Google Calendar

Discover everything you need to know to seamlessly connect Jotform with Google Calendar.

Вижте други случаи на употреба за тази интеграция

Jotform Icon  Google Calendar

Add new attendees to Google Calendar events

Jotform Icon  Google Calendar

Instantly update Google Calendar events
