MailerLite FAQs

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  • Why should I use Jotform with MailerLite?

    Together, MailerLite and Jotform can help you grow and manage your email subscriber list. Jotform’s powerful forms are fully customizable and easy to use, fitting seamlessly into your workflow. Jotform offers all the features you need to effectively gather email addresses and send them directly to your MailerLite account for use in future campaigns, newsletters, and other marketing communications. No coding or manual data entry needed — simplify and automate the way you collect emails with Jotform’s MailerLite integration.

  • How do I make a form for MailerLite?

    The Jotform Form Builder makes it easy to create your MailerLite form from scratch or select one of 10,000+ ready-made email form templates to customize. Drag and drop to add form elements and widgets, set up emails and conditions, change design features to match your branding, and much more. Once you’re happy with your form design, you can embed it in your website and share it via link, QR code, or social media to start accepting submissions.

  • How do I integrate my Jotform form with MailerLite?

    Once you’ve built your contact, signup, or lead gen form with our Form Builder, go to the Settings tab and click on the Integrations option to find MailerLite. Then authenticate your MailerLite account by providing your MailerLite API key. Match your form fields to your MailerLite fields and select which group you’d like to add new subscribers to. Save your changes to complete the integration — now new subscriber email addresses submitted through your Jotform form will automatically be stored in MailerLite. Learn more here.

  • Wie kann ich mein Formular in eine Website einbinden?

    To embed your email form in any web page, simply copy and paste your form’s auto-generated embed code into your website’s HTML. Our Form Builder will also generate unique codes to embed your form in an iFrame, display it as a popup or lightbox, or publish it on third-party platforms such as WordPress, Squarespace, Facebook, and more.

  • Wie kann ich Jotform mit WordPress verbinden?

    You can add your form to WordPress using our free WordPress plug-in. Open your WordPress admin dashboard to install and activate the Jotform Online Forms plug-in. When you’re editing or posting a page, a Jotform icon will appear in the formatting toolbar of the classic WordPress editor. Click on it to view a list of your forms and select which one you’d like to embed. You can also copy and paste your form’s WordPress embed code into the HTML tab of a new page.

  • Kann ich mein Formular vor Spam schützen?

    Yes, Jotform offers multiple methods to prevent spam. You can verify form submissions by requiring users to complete a CAPTCHA test — Jotform offers Google reCAPTCHA, math CAPTCHA, drawing CAPTCHA, and our very own JotCAPTCHA. You can also prevent duplicate submissions by allowing phone numbers or emails to be submitted only once and checking for duplicate responses from the same browser or IP address.

  • Ist Jotform sicher?

    Ja, Jotform setzt sich für den Schutz Ihrer Daten ein. Alle Formulare sind mit 256-bit SSL-Verschlüsselung geschützt, und Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Formulare zu verschlüsseln, um zusätzliche Sicherheit zu schaffen. Anti-Spam-Funktionen wie CAPTCHA-Formularfelder und anpassbare Antworten-Limits sind ebenfalls verfügbar. Außerdem ist Jotform PCI, DSGVO und CCPA konform, damit Ihre Daten nach Branchenstandards geschützt werden. Gesundheitsdienstleister können sich für HIPAA-Compliance-Funktionen entscheiden, um sensible Gesundheitsdaten ebenfalls zu schützen.