Do I need to upgrade if I'll be needed a 90 submissions only?

  • infoescortbali
    Ditanyakan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2023 pukul 22.40

    halo selamat pagi jotform,
    saya ingin membuat template form order (dengan template store builder yang ada di jotform apps)

    kurang lebih responden akan ada 90 , apa ini akan berbayar? ketika sudh banyak yg mengisi

    apa saja batasan akun untuk free member? thanks
  • Israel Jotform Support
    Dibalas pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2023 pukul 04.30

    Hello infoescortbali,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in the Indonesian language, we can forward your ticket to our Indonesian team. However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response. Since you will be expecting 90 submissions only, I believe the Free plan will accommodate your needs since the free plan has a 100 submissions limit. Under the Free plan, you can receive 100 submissions per month. The monthly limit reset happens every 1st day of the month. If you are expecting more than 100 submissions per month, then I suggest you upgrade to a higher plan. You may also perform these tasks to increase your submission limit. I moved your other question to a new thread and helped you with that here.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.