Puedo vincular una base de datos de usuarios

  • Darvis
    Fecha de consulta 5 de noviembre de 2021, 8:09

    Estoy interesado en adquirir Jotform, pero quisiera saber si es posible vincular una base de datos de usuarios al formulario que quiero crear, para que sean solo ellos lo que puedan responder el formulario ya sea por su ID o número de identificación.

  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Fecha de respuesta 5 de noviembre de 2021, 8:53


    Unfortunately, our colleagues from the Spanish team are currently unavailable, so we will reply to you in English. If you wish to receive a reply in Spanish, please let us know and we will forward your question to them, however, you might need a bit longer for a reply.

    You can add a password to your form so only the ones who know it will be able to access your form. There can be only one password per form, and it will be the same for all users.

    The next solution would be to assign the form to your users. This solution is the best if your users will submit the form multiple times.

    Finally, you can upload Excel Sheet with all available IDs and show the rest of the fields only if the ID is in your sheet.

    You can learn more about these solutions here:

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.