Gratis Online Quiz Maker

Wat is de beste manier om online quizzen te maken? De gratis quizmaker van Jotform! Zonder te coderen kunt u op eenvoudige wijze interactieve, meerkeuzevragen voor uw klas samenstellen, en zelfs antwoorden automatisch beoordelen. Test de kennis van je studenten met online quizzen op maat of vermaak je vrienden met triviaformulieren mogelijk gemaakt door Jotform.


Gratis online Quiz

Hebt u geen tijd om uw online quiz helemaal opnieuw te maken? Kies gewoon een van onze klassieke formuliersjablonen of maak quizzen leuker met conversationele aangepaste quizsjablonen om deze aan te passen aan uw klaslokaal. Of u nu spellingquizzen, andere quizzen of trivia quizzen nodig hebt, in onze selectie gratis sjablonen vindt u precies wat u zoekt.

Spelling Quiz

Template 200932547868061
Template 200932547868061

Geography Quiz

Template 200892539799171
Template 200892539799171

Vrienden Trivia

Template 92973911423966
Template 92973911423966


Maak direct online-quizjes

Maak uw quizzen leuk

Stel aangepaste conditionele logica in om uw online quizzes interactiever te maken. Toon of verberg formuliervelden om een aangepaste quizervaring te creëren voor elke gebruiker, beoordeel automatisch antwoorden om studenten te laten weten hoe ze het hebben gedaan, of integreer zelfs met 100+ platforms om quizresultaten direct naar uw andere accounts te verzenden.

Aanpassen en insluiten op uw website

Voeg meerkeuzevragen of vragen met vrije antwoorden toe, wijzig lettertypen en kleuren, upload afbeeldingen en voeg quizinstructies toe om een aangepaste quiz voor uw klaslokaal te maken met onze quizmaker. U kunt het formulier dan in enkele seconden in uw website insluiten. Met onze gebruiksvriendelijke aanpassingshulpmiddelen werkt uw online quiz niet alleen geweldig, maar ziet het er ook geweldig uit.

Beheer Uw Data

Haal het meeste uit uw feedback met onze functie voor formulieranalyse. Bekijk de antwoorden op vragen of vragenlijsten en analyseer gegevens om belangrijke inzichten over uw klanten of klanten te onthullen.

Bouw Uw Eigen Mobiele App

Maak van je online quiz een volledig uitgeruste mobiele app. Met de Quiz App Maker van Jotform kunt u formulieren, koppelingen, widgets en uw branding toevoegen aan een aanpasbare no code app.


Wat onze gebruikers zeggen over Jotform

This is the best tool ever!!! When we were looking for a solution for online registrations, options that we saw involved spending thousands of dollars with no easy customization - it involved paying developers for their time! With Jotform, you can make changes yourself and don't need a whole lot of experience in developing or coding! Love it and will probably continue using it for many years to come!

Alissa Kline, Council Assistant, KLMCarpenters

FAQ for Quiz Maker

Your search "[searchValue]" did not match any results.

How to Create an Online Quiz?

  • Open the Jotform Form Builder to start building your quiz.
  • Drag and drop to add single- or multiple-choice fields to your form.
  • Add your question at the top of each form field.
  • Include answer options below the question. You can add more options or include an “Other” text field.
  • Feel free to add text boxes for longer answers, file upload fields for essays, and more.
  • Embed the quiz in your website or share it with students using a link.
  • Collect quiz submissions instantly!

Why should I make a quiz?

Quizzes help teachers get a better understanding of how well their students are learning class material, and they motivate students to concentrate and participate in class. By holding quizzes online, teachers can encourage student learning without being in the classroom. Online quizzes not only help teachers save paper and ink, but also valuable time — Jotform makes it easy for teachers to create, conduct, and grade quizzes!

What types of quizzes are there?

There are many different types of quizzes. The important part is picking the type that works best for you. Some examples are

  • Employee training quizzes
  • Interview quizzes
  • Academic quizzes

How can teachers use Jotform to create quizzes?

Teachers can use Jotform’s easy-to-use Form Builder to create online quizzes without doing any coding. To get started, select whether to build a quiz from scratch or customize one of our ready-made quiz templates. Drag and drop your quiz questions into the form, upload images, change the fonts and colors, and set up conditional logic to create the perfect online quiz for your classroom. When you’re done, publish the quiz online by embedding it in your class website or email the form link to students — and start accepting submissions instantly! Learn more about creating online quizzes for your classroom.

How do I view quiz results?

To view your quiz submissions, go to My Forms and hover over your quiz. Click on the More dropdown menu and select View submissions to access quiz results from any device.

How do I create a multiple-choice quiz?

Our Form Builder offers two form fields to create multiple-choice quizzes: single choice and multiple choice. Single choice allows students to choose just one option from a list, whereas multiple choice lets students select more than one option.

Can I make fun quizzes for friends?

Of course! We even offer ready-made templates for trivia quizzes about popular TV shows. Check them out for ideas on how to make fun interactive quizzes. Just use the Form Builder to build your quiz, add fun quiz questions, and spice things up with images and GIFs. Send a quiz to friends or followers by embedding it on your blog, emailing the quiz link, or sharing it via social media.

Can I embed the quiz on my website?

Yes. To embed your quiz into your class website, simply copy your form’s unique embed code and paste it into your site’s HTML. Our Form Builder will also create embed codes specifically for third-party website builders like WordPress, Facebook, Weebly, Blogger, and more — just follow the instructions listed under the platform you choose.

Which integrations can I use for my quiz?

Jotform offers 100+ form integrations, and we’re always adding more! To automatically sync submissions to your other online accounts, you can integrate your form with Google Drive, Google Sheets, Dropbox, Box, Airtable, and more. All you have to do is select your app from our list of integrations, connect your account with Jotform, and match the form fields — you’ll automate your workflow and instantly receive submissions exactly where you want them.

Can I create a report using my quiz answers?

Yes, you can create free, professional reports using your quiz responses. To create a quiz report, simply go to your My Forms page, select a form, click the Reports menu, then Add New Report.