Autoresponder Mail with all Formfields shown

  • tsunoda_eurotec
    2022年6月27日 1:56に質問



  • Dagmar_B
    2022年6月27日 3:25に返信

    Hello Yoshiaki,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help.

    To include the complete answer in the autoresponder email sent to the persons filling out the form you can create a brand new autoresponder.

    Every new form email has all the fields of the from with the answers in there. If you want to keep the content of the Autoresponder you currently use, just copy the conent into a document to save before deleting and then creating a new autoresponder (Free Accounts can only have one autoresponder email).

    In the ADVANCED section of the autoresponder email you can select to hide all empty form fields when creating the form emails. that way if not all fields are filled the mail does not get unneccessaryly long.

    1656314615 62b95af7a5120  Screenshot 10

  • tsunoda_eurotec
    2022年6月27日 7:17に返信





  • Dagmar_B
    2022年6月28日 3:05に返信

    Hello Yoshiaki,

    Would you mind sharing the form URL, so we can check, if anything is wrong with the form?

    Ususally the new autoresponder should have all fields included.

    If you check to hide empty fields the fields NOT filled by the user will NOT show up in the email. We will be waiting for your reply.