BlueSnap vs Paysafe: A full comparison
See how BlueSnap compares to Paysafe. Select your desired payment type, countries, and currencies — then see which of the options is a better fit for your needs. Explore important details like transaction fees, monthly minimum fees, and more. Once you've chosen your preferred gateway, add it to your Jotform forms to seamlessly collect payments on any device.
Jotform will never charge you extra transaction fees for accepting money through your forms.
Gateways | Transaction Fees |
Monthly Minimum Fee |
Countries | Currencies |
On Form
Payments |
Payment Type |
Gateways | Transaction Fees |
Monthly Minimum Fee |
Countries | Currencies |
On Form
Payments |
Payment Type |
These numbers represent the monthly subscription amount per payment provider, which may be subject to change. This comparison table only reflects the full capabilities of Jotform’s payment integrations, not of the payment gateways themselves. Jotform does not charge fees for integrating with our payment partners.
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