How Jotform Enterprise transforms the government customer experience

How Jotform Enterprise transforms the government customer experience

On December 13, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order, Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government, which directs federal agencies to put people at the center of everything the government does. 

It’s daunting to think of “everything” the government does. Fortunately, the executive order details 36 customer experience improvement commitments across 17 federal agencies. Another 35 “high-impact service providers” are called out based on the volume and types of services they provide. 

The customer experience delivery enhancements include accepting electronic signatures and mobile photo uploads, reducing the number of forms required to request services or update information, and facilitating shared data across state and federal agencies to minimize the need for duplicate forms. 

This vision includes a redesigned website, which will enable the public to access all government benefits, services, and programs in one to three clicks, taps, or commands from the homepage. 

A recent study shows that less than a quarter of Americans believe they can trust the government in Washington to do what’s right. Outdated systems that facilitate interactions between the public and government may be contributing to this lack of public trust. State and local government agencies fare slightly better, with 57 and 66 percent of Americans, respectively, stating they trust the government’s ability to solve problems. 

Public customers are nine times more likely to trust a government agency if they are satisfied with its service. Government leaders have a tremendous opportunity to increase customer service in the public sector and regain trust by embracing a customer-first focus in everything they do.

Pro Tip

Improve your government services and customer interactions with Jotform Government.

Improving the government customer experience starts with a form

Americans rely on government agencies for a variety of services over the course of their lives, such as securing a driver’s license and passport, registering to vote, applying for a student or small business loan, filing taxes, visiting a national park, collecting social security benefits, and signing up for Medicare or Medicaid. 

All the government customer experience interactions mentioned above start with filling out a form. According to a McKinsey survey, the experience of applying and submitting is considered the most important of the 10 most common government-service customer journeys globally. 

Jotform Enterprise enhances customer service in the public sector

Reducing paperwork and complexity with secure, online forms is the first step to delivering better public sector customer service. Online, mobile-friendly forms allow constituents to apply for services anywhere on any device. Whether individuals have limited time or mobility, or wish to limit their exposure to others, online forms reduce barriers to receiving services. 

With a no-code, drag-and-drop framework and more than 10,000 templates, Jotform Enterprise makes it easy for anyone to create an online form. You can also create forms from existing PDFs, which makes it simple to digitize paper forms. 

Jotform’s translation tool enables you to easily make forms, confirmation emails, and thank you messages available in more than 130 languages to engage a diverse population. But online forms are just the beginning of how Jotform Enterprise can transform customer service delivery.

Online forms collect digital data, making it possible to immediately access, share, report, and act on information to further improve the government customer experience. Using the Jotform Enterprise platform, Park County, Montana, completely overhauled its information collection system during COVID-19, creating a new, automated, seamless process. 

Contact tracing data (collected with online forms) triggers follow-up letters that provide individuals with their test results and isolation and quarantine information. It also populates data tables used by Health Department staff to track community spread and direct community outreach regarding vaccination and appointment scheduling. 

Digitizing data and automating data collection creates faster response times in the public sector and dramatically reduces or eliminates administrative duties that don’t contribute any perceived value. 

As Park County health officer Dr. Laurel Desnick states, “The Jotform platform is a real benefit to the community. It’s helped us bring COVID-19 cases under control much more quickly, and uses the time and energy of our staff most efficiently.” 

Scaling customer service delivery with a single solution

The staff at the County of Marin takes advantage of the more than 400 integrations offered by Jotform Enterprise to save money and reduce the complexity of their technology stack. “For many forms, we’ve moved completely away from Docusign,” says Jiku Park, information technology manager for the County of Marin. 

The County’s adoption of Jotform Enterprise spans external and internal departments. The county Assessor and Recorder’s Office used Jotform Enterprise to create an online marriage license registration form. The Human Resources Department uses Jotform to help onboard new employees by collecting payroll and insurance information. 

The Department of Public Health is looking to expand its use of Jotform Enterprise. Implementing barcode scans for health samples would allow them to send that data into their SQL database and analyze it in near real time.

We’ve been very pleased with how easy it was to integrate Jotform Enterprise into our workflow. It’s been revolutionary for us.

Jiku Park

Meet global and federal regulations with a single solution 

Given the depth and breadth of information managed by government agencies, privacy and security are paramount when collecting and storing data, processing payments, and structuring how information is shared. 

Jotform Enterprise offers local data residency center and meets the highest standards, including Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and PCI DSS Service Provider Level 1 compliance standards. It’s also GDPR compliant, so the enhanced government customer experience can extend to international and dual citizens requesting services and information.

Administrator and user roles facilitate collaboration across departments to improve public sector customer service, while multifactor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on features ensure only intended users can access sensitive information. Read more about Jotform security features at

Pro Tip

Create secure online forms for your government agency with Jotform Enterprise.

The future of the customer experience in government

The customization and personalization options available to individuals today set a high bar for delivering a satisfactory customer experience. Fortunately, the same no-code digital solutions that power customer experience delivery options in the private sector can transform customer service in the public sector. 

Finding opportunities to enhance Americans’ experience with the public sector can help restore trust in government and lead to greater job satisfaction for public workers. 

As Office of Personnel Management acting director of strategy and innovation Kimberly Wells said in a recent interview, “One thing they want to do is make sure they are contributing in a meaningful way to society. That’s what draws people to work in public service.” 

The no-code tools and secure data solutions from Jotform Enterprise streamline and automate administrative tasks so public service professionals can focus on providing outstanding service to the American people. 

The executive order issued by President Biden will require sweeping changes and collaboration among civic leaders. Improving the government’s customer service can positively impact the public and the individuals who serve them. 

Discover how simple it is to build online forms, automate workflows, and foster collaboration with Jotform Enterprise. Whether you support a small rural community or lead a large federal agency, we can help you enhance your public sector customer experience.

Contact Jotform Enterprise 

How Jotform Enterprise transforms the government customer experience Image-1
Lainie is the Enterprise marketing manager and team lead at Jotform. With a career spanning 20+ years, she’s written for global management consulting firms, entrepreneurs, educational organizations, and nonprofits. A published author, her work has appeared in industry trades and educational guidebooks. Outside of work, Lainie enjoys live music, gardening, travel, volunteering, and the outdoors. You can reach Lainie through her contact form.

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