How to build a talent management process

Effective hiring practices are critical for every business. But connecting with the best candidates requires a lot of time and resources from HR.

Everything your hiring team does to recruit, train, develop, and retain the workforce is part of your talent management process. Regardless of the size of your company, you can benefit by streamlining these processes to optimize your pool of potential new hires.

Not only do your talent management systems affect your ability to fill job openings, but they also have a downstream effect on employee engagement and retention.

Talent management process overview

To create the ideal talent management system, you need to build your process around the company’s long-term goals. The process includes everything from identifying open positions to hiring and onboarding new employees and retaining the employees you already have.

Effective talent management focuses on the complete employee life cycle. With the right process in place, your business will have more options for hiring ideal candidates — and they can improve your workforce and impact the bottom line. In addition, investing in better management systems is a great way to set a stronger foundation for the future success of your business.

Talent management and its impact on your business

Why should talent management be one of your top priorities? Having the right team to support your business is vital. Here are a few reasons why a solid talent management process is crucial for the success of a business and how it can benefit yours:

  • Finding good talent is a challenge. Talk to most business owners and recruiting managers, and they’ll assure you that there’s a talent shortage. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find job candidates who possess the skills your company needs. An effective talent management system can help you connect with people who are the ideal fit for your company.
  • Employee retention affects a company’s bottom line. Talent management is the prerequisite to employee retention. When you’re hiring the right team members, there’s a higher likelihood that they’ll stay for a while. Not only does talent management bring the right new hires through the door, but these processes also include steps for developing and training employees. When you improve retention, your business spends less on recruiting and onboarding.
  • Talent management plays a role in employee performance. You need to do more than fill empty seats. The best employees are productive and engaged. Employee engagement starts with your recruiting practices. If your new hires fit the company culture, it’s easier to shape their hard and soft skills over time.
  • Customer experience starts with effective employees. While talent management might feel like an internal issue, the quality of your employees affects the customer experience. For example, reducing turnover makes it easier for employees to build long-term relationships with customers. Plus, an employee’s training and skills impact the quality of products and services your customers receive.

Building a better talent management system results in benefits for your business as a whole.

Jotform and the talent management process

Jotform’s digital automation tools provide the perfect solutions for improving your talent management process. Create online forms and digital workflows to streamline the key components that contribute to talent management: onboarding, employee management, corporate training, performance reviews, and offboarding.

Here are a few of the most popular Jotform templates you can use to automate talent management:

For optimal results when you’re designing your talent management process, incorporate Jotform’s tools as part of a three-step process:

  1. Form templates: First, select and personalize the ideal form templates to match your recruiting needs. These digital forms help you collect candidate information, onboard new hires, and manage employee performance.
  2. Table templates: Table templates can serve as a database for managing and tracking the data you collect through your forms. For example, use this onboarding table template or an employee training checklist template to improve the efficiency of your onboarding processes.
  3. Approval templates: Finally, approval templates take your automation to the next level by building steps for collecting necessary approvals in the hiring process. You can integrate permissions in any part of the management system. Approval template examples include this new hire approval process template, an employee resignation approval process template, and a performance appraisal approval process template.

Jotform’s no-code solutions give you the flexibility to customize every form and create the optimal workflow for your hiring and employee management systems.

Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

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