er’s name Competing for (
name of country) Mobile
+ Email 1 horse 2 horse
s Contact to receive
practical info (if differe
nt from the rider) Mobi
le + Email BILLING D
ETAILS Company name Addres
s ZIP Code City Internatio
nal VAT Number (if applica
ble) TABLE NAME: Country T
€ 13.500* € 16.500* € 19.
500* PHOT
OS AND VIDEOS Receive all
your photos and round vide
os from every horse in all
classes with a Socialie W
eekend Pass!! This include
s high definition media su
ch as your action shots an
d behind the scenes images
, videos and result clips
all which you can download
and share as you wish. PH
D € 250 Rider name
Email contact *excluding
VAT and including 2 horses
in the CSI 2* TERMS A
ND CONDITIONS I, the under
signed, want to obtain the
services selected above f
or the Longines Global Cha
mpions Tour of Monaco 2024
. Upon receipt of the invo
ice, I will pay the total
amount by bank transfer to
Tops Equestrian Events BV
, as confirmation. The res
ervation of the selected s
ervices will only be valid
after the full payment of
the invoice issued from T
ops Equestrian Events BV.
Please send this form fill
ed in back to your GC cont
act person. Signature
CABILITY: The present gene
ral terms and conditions a
pply to the transaction be
tween the organizer of the
Longines Global Champions
Tour events (each an “LGC
T Event”) i.e., Tops Eques
trian Events B.V., (the “O
rganizer”) and the individ
ual / legal entity (the “C
lient”) who has confirmed
the purchase order for a V
IP package for one (1) or
several LGCT Events (the “
Purchase Order”). These ge
neral terms and conditions
add to and complete the i
nformation found in the Or
ganizer’s brochures and in
case of conflict these ge
neral terms and conditions
will prevail. ARTICLE 2:
SCOPE: Confirming the Purc
hase Order binds the Clien
t irrevocably. Confirmatio
n of the Purchase Order(s)
may only be carried out b
y the Client or by person(
s) authorised to do so on
behalf of the Client. Any
unauthorised person who co
nfirms the Purchase Order
on behalf of the Client wi
ll be held personally, and
indivisibly liable to the
commitments in said Purch
ase Order. In the case of
a cancellation request by
the Client of a Purchase O
rder, for any reason whats
oever, the Client will be
held liable for: 1. 100% o
f the total amount of that
Purchase Order if the can
cellation request is recei
ved twenty one (21) days (
or fewer) prior to the fir
st competition day of the
LGCT Event for which the V
IP package has been purcha
sed; or 2. an amount of (i
) € 500.- of that Purchase
Order in the event the Cl
ient made a reservation to
ride one (1) horse or (ii
) € 1000.- of that Purchas
e Order in the event the C
lient made a reservation t
o ride two (2) horses, if
the cancellation request i
s received at least twenty
two (22) days (or more) p
rior to the LGCT Event for
which the VIP package has
been purchased. If the Cl
ient paid an amount in exc
ess of the penalty mention
under article 2 (2), the
remaining amount shall be
used as a credit for a Pur
chase Order for any other
LGCT Event. The Client wil
l not be entitled to claim
any refund. ARTICLE 5: RE
The Client is obliged to r
espect all rules, security
instructions, orders and
policies in force within t
he LGCT Events’ area, and
to make sure his guests, r
epresentatives, etc. also
respect said rules. Except
in case of malicious inte
nt or intentional reckless
ness of the Organizer, the
Organizer shall not be li
able, even in case of gros
s negligence, for any loss
, accident or injury that
is in any way incurred or
suffered by the Client, hi
s guests, representatives,
etc. or caused by the Cli
ent, his guests, represent
atives, etc. The Client sh
all fully and unreservedly
indemnify and hold the Or
ganizer harmless from and
against claims regarding a
ny loss, accident or injur
y that is in any way incur
red or suffered by the Cli
ent, his guests, represent
atives, etc. or caused by
the Client, his guests, re
presentatives, etc. ARTICL
onnection with the organiz
ation and execution of the
LGCT Events and Global Ch
ampions League events (col
lectively: the “Events”),
we will collect and store
certain personal data of t
he Client and his guests,
representatives, etc. Duri
ng the Events footage of t
he Client, his guests, rep
resentatives etc. may be c
aptured or recorded. By co
nfirming the Purchase Orde
r and/or attending the Eve
nts, the Client authorises
the Organizer to use and
process any footage of the
Client, his guests, repre
sentatives etc., in any po
ssible way. We collect and
store all personal data i
n compliance with the Gene
ral Data Protection Regula
tion (“GDPR”) and relevant
GDPR implementation Acts
and the provisions of othe
r applicable laws, regulat
ions and rules. To give yo
u a clear view of how we a
re using personal data and
the ways in which you can
access your personal data
and protect your privacy,
we have adopted a privacy
statement which can be fo
und on the websites of our
Events (www.globalchampio
and www.globalchampionsle
In our privacy statement
we explain: (i) what perso
nal data information we co
llect, and why we collect
it, (ii) how we use that p
ersonal data and (iii) you
r options with respect to
access, update or deletion
of your personal data. GE
G AND PAYMENT: Any invoice
from the Organizer is pay
able in full. The prices e
xpressed in the Purchase O
rder are stated in Euros o
r in US Dollars (as applic
able) and exclude taxes. F
ollowing the confirmation
of the Purchase Order, the
Organizer will issue an i
nvoice to the Client. Unle
ss otherwise stated in the
Purchase Order, the Clien
t shall pay within fourtee
n (14) days after the invo
ice has been sent. Payment
is to be made exclusively
by bank transfer on the a
ccount indicated in the Pu
rchase Order or by credit
card (3% fee charged). The
documents enabling access
to the LGCT Event(s) prem
ises will only be sent aft
er receipt of the payment.
The non-payment of an inv
oice at the due date will
automatically, and without
any prior notice, result
in a payable penalty amoun
ting to 10% of the unpaid
amount over the invoiced a
JEURE: In the case of tota
l or partial cancellation
or postponement of the LGC
T Event(s), arising from o
r attributable to acts, ev
ents, omissions or acciden
ts which are beyond the re
asonable control of the Or
ganizer (including but not
limited to any abnormally
inclement weather, flood,
storm, fire, explosion, e
arthquake, subsidence, str
uctural damage, pandemics,
epidemics (including, for
the avoidance of doubt, C
OVID-19) or other natural
physical disaster, failure
or shortage of power supp
lies, war, military operat
ions, riot, strike, lockou
ts or other industrial act
ion, civil commotion and a
ny legislation, regulation
, ruling or omissions), th
e Organizer will be entitl
ed to keep any sum already
paid by the Client, which
sum may be applied toward
s a Purchase Order for any
other LGCT Event chosen b
y the Client. The Client w
ill not be entitled to cla
im any refund, exchange, o
r compensation, or entitle
d to any legal recourse ag
ainst the Organizer. In de
viation of the preceding p
rovisions of this article
4, if the LGCT Event for w
hich the VIP package has b
een purchased is cancelled
(and shall not be resched
uled) due to Force Majeure
by reason of COVID-19, an
y sum paid by the Client s
hall be rolled-over by the
Organizer as a credit for
the Client for a further
LGCT Event, unless the Cli
ent requests the Organizer
in writing to refund such
payment within one (1) mo
nth after the announcement
of the cancellation of th
e relevant LGCT Event. ART
ny provision of these gene
ral terms and conditions i
s held to be invalid or un
enforceable, all other pro
visions will continue in f
ull force and effect, and
the Organizer and the Clie
nt will substitute for the
invalid or unenforceable
provision a valid and enfo
rceable provision which co
nforms as nearly as possib
le with the original inten
t of the provision. ARTICL
eral terms and conditions
and any contractual or non
-contractual obligations a
rising out of or in connec
tion to it, shall be gover
ned by and shall be constr
ued in accordance with the
laws of the Netherlands.
Any dispute arising out of
or in connection with the
se general terms and condi
tions (including any dispu
tes relating to any contra
ctual or non-contractual o
bligations arising out of
or in connection to it) sh
all exclusively be submitt
ed to the competent court
in Oost-Brabant, the Nethe