Consent Agreement Templates
About Consent Agreement Templates Agents
A consent agreement is a signed document that outlines the informed consent of a participant for a medical study, clinical trial, procedure, or activity. Whether you run a telemedicine practice, medical clinic, or need to collect waivers from activity participants, you can use our free Consent Agreement Templates to instantly turn form submissions into signed PDF consent agreements! By going paperless and seamlessly receiving electronic signatures and informed consent online, you can simultaneously organize your records, reduce manual tasks, and streamline your workflow.
To get started, choose a Consent Agreement Template from the list below, customize the terms and conditions to match your company’s needs, and link it to a form that can be filled in by your patients or participants. Then when the form is filled out, the information will instantly convert into a PDF document — easy to download or print for your records. You can even use an autoresponder to send the PDFs to participants automatically!
Explore our 100+ free form integrations to automatically send your consent agreement PDFs to accounts you’re already using. Back up the documents in cloud storage platforms like Dropbox or Box, share them with teammates in project management apps like Trello or Slack, or add the agreements to existing contacts in CRM platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot. No matter what industry you’re in, you can use our Consent Agreement Templates to create a powerful automation system and speed up your workflow.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a consent agreement?
A consent agreement is a document that acquires the informed consent of a participant taking part in an activity or service. Consent agreements inform individuals of the possible consequences of their participation, their rights (and what rights they’re waiving) according to the agreement, and other key details. Consent occurs when one or multiple parties agree to a set of terms and conditions.
When a client or participant signs a consent agreement, they acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms and conditions laid out by the company. By spelling out expectations and rules, consent agreements can protect both parties.
How do consent agreements work?
There are many different kinds of consent agreements, and they vary in complexity depending on what the signer is consenting to. However, the main gist is the same: When you sign a consent agreement, you acknowledge that you understand the associated terms and conditions and accept the risks outlined by the agreement. This consent gives an organization the go-ahead to provide an activity or service, and your agreement will be kept on file in the company’s records.
What are the different types of consent agreements?
Consent agreements are used broadly across industries, for everything from medical studies and procedures to school permission slips and sports team signups. Common use cases for consent agreements include travel waivers, medical consent forms , school permission slips , non-compete agreements, and more. Whether you run a medical clinic, a summer camp , or a nonprofit development department, you’ll find a consent agreement template that works for you with Jotform.
Why is a consent agreement important?
Consent agreements provide individuals with the information they need to make an informed decision about whether they want to proceed with an activity, service, or procedure. Consent agreements also inform individuals of risks they may not otherwise be aware of.
On the flip side, consent agreements also can protect organizations from being sued over potential occurrences that are considered reasonable risks, like discomfort, bad weather, etc. Without consent forms , companies could be taking on high levels of legal and financial risk.
What are the key components of a consent agreement?
Major components of consent agreements include elements such as acknowledgment, authorization, and release of liability. You may see the same elements in a variety of consent agreements, including release clauses and liability clauses, which outline reasonable risks and participation standards. Keep in mind that consent agreements will often not release a company from liability for gross negligence, and individuals are still able to take legal.
These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.