No aparece la opcion Embed for.

  • argenisherrera
    Asked on December 21, 2016 at 7:56 AM

    No aparece la opcion Embed for. Pego el codigo a mi pagina web y no funciona.

  • Boris
    Replied on December 21, 2016 at 8:37 AM

    Upon looking at your forms I see that they are disabled for violation of our terms of use. It looks like your forms are used to collect passwords:

    No aparece la opcion Embed for Screenshot 20

    Please note that collection of login credentials of any kind is considered a phishing activity, and such forms and accounts are suspended automatically. You can read our terms on the following page:

    In order for your account to be reactivated, the offending field had to be removed from your form. Please refrain from collecting any data that is against our terms of use to avoid further account suspensions.

    Your form should be working fine now. Please check, and let us know if you need further assistance.