How can I creat and edit a question in 100 (or more) forms at the same time?

  • CadastroVDJ
    Asked on May 15, 2017 at 4:44 PM

    I have a soccer league and we use the forms to subscribe the players.

    We create one form to each team, and we have to edit and create some questions in those forms. We have 4 periods in the league that players can subscribe themself. But one of this periods, the players can change the teams that they will play, and we have to insert 2 questions:


    1- Are you a new player or will change your team?


    2 - If you are changing, what were you last team? (in this question, i put all the teams subscribed into the league, for the team's city)


    Can I create and remove this questions in all the forms at the same time?


    Thank's for your time!


    Matheus Slobodian Motta

  • Mike
    Replied on May 15, 2017 at 6:53 PM

    I am sorry to inform you, but there is no option at JotForm to manage the fields on multiple forms at the same time. The forms can only be edited one by one.

    However, it might be easier to copy the fields between forms using a Field Manager App rather than creating them manually.

    If you need any further assistance, please let us know.