My form is 62062225012338I need the email to be sent to whichever line

  • Rachel Baillie
    Asked on June 6, 2017 at 7:37 AM

    My form is 62062225012338

    I need the email to be sent to whichever line manager manages the person completing the form. Can I set up a #name type field where when the box is complete with that name, it goes to a specific email address dependant upon the name?

  • seth
    Replied on June 6, 2017 at 8:50 AM


    Yes, you can setup a system like this. The best practices use a dropdown to select the managers' name, with respect to the value of that field, you can change the email alert's recipients.

    After adding the drop down add the conditions to change the email recipients. Here is a demo form for you, it is very simple:

    Please feel free to clone this form to your account and investigate. Here is a guide on cloning forms to your account:

    If you need further help on establishing your system, feel free to contact us again.
