Payment form: The product images are not working

  • JulGlez
    Asked on December 3, 2017 at 10:42 AM

    Hello my friend.,

    I custimed so that you explain in the tutotial, but don´t work me.....

    I put the API of my Pay Pal count, choose the image..... but after when I prove and when clic in the image, dont do anything. What I did bad?

    Regard. Jul Glez

  • BJoanna
    Replied on December 3, 2017 at 1:46 PM

    Is your issue related to the product images? I inspected the forms on your account and only one of them has product images - 

    I tested the form and images are working properly. 

    1512326661image Screenshot 10

    Were you able to resolve the issue?

    If I did not understand you correctly, please explain in more details what exactly is not working properly and what are you trying to achieve. Also provide us an ID of the form you are working on. If the form is embedded provide us the webpage URL. 

  • JulGlez
    Replied on December 3, 2017 at 2:43 PM
    The URL is
    The URL is a festival of cinema, with an inscription, 3 types of
    inscription with differents prices.
    When I pick on the image it dont take to the paymant gate of the PAY PAL....
    Is necesary one pluging?
    Regard. Jul Glez

    de virus.

    2017-12-03 19:46 GMT+01:00 JotForm :
  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on December 3, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    Hello Jul - I made a test submission on your form to check if I can see any problems but the submission went through as intended and I was redirected to PayPal afterwards. Here's how it looked like from my perspective:

    Payment form: The product images are not working Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Is it not behaving the same way for you? Have you tried submitting the form yourself? In case your form is embedded on a page on your website, can you share the URL with us so we can have a closer look?

    BTW, your respondents are supposed to select the product checkboxes and not the product images.

  • JulGlez
    Replied on December 4, 2017 at 5:43 AM
    Ok, I Undestand that when a pick in SEND in the end of the formulary, go to
    PAY PAL, and it´s necesary pay in my profile of Futurobservatory in PAY
    I have another question. If I would like to use a payment way with credit
    card.... what will be the proces?
    Regard. Jul Glez
    That fo

    de virus.

    2017-12-03 22:36 GMT+01:00 JotForm :
  • aubreybourke
    Replied on December 4, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    If you want to take payments with a credit card you can use PayPal Pro, Stripe, or payment integration. You would have to sign up for the service you want on their website.

    PayPal Pro
