how can user slect a field and recive link to another form to fill?

  • cheapo
    Asked on March 12, 2018 at 2:29 PM

    I have a publish form for example: 01) VEHICLE UN-LOCK @ HOUSE

    I want to send this lockout form to a particular driver in the field. Is there any type of widget that allows me to select any email address from a live form (publish) not from the back end (Build or Settings area).

    We are using these lockout forms for dispatching and intake only.

    I hope i explained myself and appreciate any type of help, ROBERT

    Replied on March 12, 2018 at 3:44 PM

    Unfortunately there is no widget to do so however there is a workaround to this. You can create a separate form that will have a field for user to enter their email then use auto-responser to send the user the url of the form they are supposed to fill.

    Below is and example of such a form, you can test with your email:

    You will then set email content with URL of the form user is to access:

    1520883765Screen Shot 2018 03 12 at 22 Screenshot 10\

    Kindly feel free to clone test and use the form above.

    Kindly do let us know if the above solution resolves the issue raised.