Account Suspended again after tring to pay

  • Agus Indratno
    Asked on April 29, 2024 at 6:40 AM


    Sorry for the inconvenience I was trying to pay the subscription again, but it was always failed again resulting to account suspended.

    I was trying to pay via debit online and already top up my bank account so it can pay the silver annual membership.

    But after filling out information on my debit card and trying to pay it always says that "We cannot charged the card". and so Im thinking to top up my bank account again, and even trying my friend card in case the saldo is not enough. but it always failed again resulting to account suspend.

    Is there some way so that i can pay the subcription?

    Thank you

  • Nolan JotForm Support
    Replied on April 29, 2024 at 7:52 AM

    Hi Agus,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I've checked your account and it appears that it's currently suspended due to a Fraudulent Credit Card. I've shared this with our team and once we hear back from them, we'll update you here on this thread.

    In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Agus Indratno
    Replied on April 29, 2024 at 8:39 AM

    Oke thank you,

    For now there isnt any question any more.

    I'll wait for the good news.

  • Nolan JotForm Support
    Replied on April 29, 2024 at 9:26 AM

    Hi Agus,

    Thanks for patiently waiting. Your account is now active. Could you please try using a different payment method?

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

  • Agus Indratno
    Replied on April 29, 2024 at 10:03 PM


    I get my account back, but Im sorry that it get suspend again after trying to paid once. Sorry can you please reactivate my account back. I will try with another credit card this time.

    Thanks a lot before.

  • Hilary JotForm Support
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 1:25 AM

    Hi Agus,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Your account is reactivated now. Please use another credit card for the payment.

    Reach out again if you need any other help.

  • Agus Indratno
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 1:52 AM


    Sorry for troubling again i already change my card in the payment system but it cannot pay again, is there something wrong with my last card?

    When I'm buying for the monthly plan it seems smoothly but for the annual it always give me an error.

    Thank you

  • Nolan JotForm Support
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 2:49 AM

    Hi Agus,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Could you please try contacting your bank and describe the issue? There might be a limit for online purchases for your bank account.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • Agus Indratno
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 3:05 AM


    Thanks for the reply. Yes, it seems there is a limit for my card. I will try for the monthly plans for now.

    Please reactive my account, IP, and can I get a increase number of trying to pay so I don't need to ask again in case the monthly plans pay still failed?

    Thank you so much.

  • Jeric JotForm Support
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 4:23 AM

    Hi Agus,

    Thanks for reaching back to us. I've reactivated your account. Unfortunately, we don't have a way to increase the attempt limit. Feel free to reach back if you need help again. However, it's advisable to fix the issue with your card or use a different card before doing any attempt again.

    Let us know if you have other concerns.

  • agusindratno71
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 4:42 AM


    Thanks the reply, I have already solve the issues and upgrade my account. But I'm using my another account. Can the all the data and form in moved to

    Thanks a lot

  • Mary JotForm Support
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 6:13 AM

    Hi Agus,

    I moved your new concern to a new thread and will help you with that here.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • agusindratno71
    Replied on April 30, 2024 at 6:18 AM


    Thanks for all Jotform support help.

    For now my problem regarding payment is done, there isn't any question.