Is there any way set up a conditional that is based on whether the form

  • MBizTools
    Asked on October 4, 2018 at 1:35 PM

    Is there any way set up a conditional that is based on whether the form is filled out the 1st time or is filled out using the Edit Link? For example, when someone fills out the form the 1st time I want them taken to a special offer page. But if they are just submitting an update at a later time using the Edit Link I do NOT want them going to that offer page and want them redirected to another thank you page. Please advise. Thanks!

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on October 4, 2018 at 2:42 PM

    You could use a "Get form page URL" widget, which returns the current form URL, and base the conditions off the form URL:

    Something like "If get form page URL contains edit, change thank you page URL To X".