How does my field crew download the form to use offline?

  • ericapangis
    Asked on June 17, 2019 at 12:54 PM

    Currently, our team uses the URL to navigate to the form and must submit when online. If they download the Mobile app, how do they log in, download the form to fillout when not in cellular service, and how do they sync when back online? 

  • Nik_C
    Replied on June 17, 2019 at 3:06 PM

    You have to have the internet connection on your device in order to sync the forms initially, then you can follow:

    1) Go to settings:

     1560798269IMG EEC23F3F750B 1 Screenshot 10

    2) Go to Offline forms:

    1560798300IMG 086F0EEEB047 1 Screenshot 21

    3) Select the foms that will be used in offline mode:

    1560798342IMG 496CFAD3CE0C 1 Screenshot 32

    Then you can use such forms, submit them, etc. And they will sync automatically when your device goes back online.

    Hope it helps.

    Thank you!