I have a form that previously worked fine with the conditional logic

  • keihiko
    Asked on November 1, 2019 at 4:18 PM

    I have a form that previously worked fine with the conditional logic i input, but between disabling the form and re-enabling it, it now seems to not be working correctly even though none of the conditional logic has changed.

    I had it set to hide an address field if a shippable item type was not selected, and to show if it was. however it's showing the address field for non-shippable products (I do artwork commissions and only ship certain types of physical artwork, the rest are digital only)

    It's frustrating because I don't need to know or hold someone's address for non-shippable items.

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 1, 2019 at 6:42 PM

    Our apologies for the inconvenience.

    When setting up conditional logic to show field or multiple fields, you do not need to set up the opposite, which is to hide it. 

    In your form, you have conditional logic to Show multiple fields when an option from the Commission Type field is selected. You do not need the Hide conditions in this case, since the SHOW condition will automatically hide fields by default, and will only show up when conditions are met.

    So, to fix your form, re-configure your condition to show fields that corresponds to an option.