Criei o formulario...mas ele pessoas estao enviando mensagens e nao acho mais nada..

  • tochabags
    Asked on January 13, 2020 at 1:32 PM
  • enterprisesupportteam
    Replied on January 13, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    Hello @tochabags!

    I would like to apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you, I am more than happy to offer our assistance with this issue.

    I have checked your account and was able to find the form in question. I then made a test submission with my information and proceeded to check your submission history and everything seems to be working fine. If you could perhaps provide us with a bit more details of the issue you are facing. Is there an issue with how you receiving email after submission or perhaps issues with submissions?

    Please do get back to us so that we may investigate further. We look forward to your response!