I went through this process already but it is not allowing me to reset

  • Chandra Manning
    Asked on May 27, 2020 at 7:09 AM

    I went through this process already but it is not allowing me to reset the password. the button to create new password does not work when I get to that screen. I believe this is because I originally created the account by logging in with my google account and now that I'm HIPAA compliant, it doesn't let me.

  • Sam_G
    Replied on May 27, 2020 at 9:01 AM

    Hi Chandra,

    Thank you for contacting Support.

    I have unlocked your account. Kindly try to log in.

    Please note that the system requires complex passwords for HIPAA accounts. I can suggest making sure that you are using both uppercase and lowercase letters(JtFrm), numbers(1,2) and special characters (!, *, etc) at the same time when creating a new password. Also, please make sure that the password is at least 8 characters long. 

    We will be glad to assist if you need more help, just let us know.