Can we get thé result as that we can analyse it with SPSS?

  • Naima
    Asked on July 22, 2020 at 1:05 AM

    Can we get thé result as that we can analyse it with SPSS?

  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on July 22, 2020 at 5:05 AM

    I'm not sure I understood your requirements correctly.

    To clarify, do you want to use the SPSS software with the report builder or do you want to pass the data to your software?

    Looking forward for your response.

  • bentaallah
    Replied on July 22, 2020 at 6:28 AM
    IEnvoyé depuis mon smartphone Samsung Galaxy.
    -------- Message d'origine --------De : JotForm Date : 22/07/2020 10:05 (GMT+01:00) À : Objet : Re: Can we get thé result as that we can analyse it with SPSS?

    A new response has been received:

    Answered by


    I'm not sure I understood your requirements
    To clarify, do you want to use the SPSS software with the report builder or
    do you want to pass the data to your software?
    Looking forward for your response.

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         thank you first for your response. I want To know , if i can get the responses from  the jotform builder questionnaires as i can use them with   SPSS?To be analysed  .