In a multiple choice element, is there a way to force a selection?

  • Jason_Riggs
    Asked on September 5, 2020 at 1:14 AM

    In a multiple choice element, is there a way to force a selection? Not a default selection, but if one choice is made, it automatically forces another selection as well?

    Option A

    Option B

    Option C

    If Option C is chosen, Option A is auto-chosen as well?

  • Sam_G
    Replied on September 5, 2020 at 7:25 AM

    Hi Jason_Riggs,

    Thank you for contacting Support.

    I have tested a couple of conditions and unfortunately, it is not possible.

    A workaround would be adding another text field as Hidden with a default answer.

    Then using show/hide conditions once C is chosen to show that option.

    You can check my test form:

    You can clone my test form :

    Let us know if you need further assistance.