encrypted form - autoresponders not received

  • Melvina Romero
    Asked on February 12, 2021 at 12:41 PM

    Trying to set up the auto responder but the submitter is unable to receive a confirmation email.

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 12, 2021 at 5:57 PM

    If this is the form you're having this issue with: Online Appointment Form, I can see that it's encrypted.

    Some of the features that are not available for Encrypted Forms are:

    • PDF downloads.
    • Reports, this includes downloading Excel and CSV files from within the Submissions Page.
    • Email Notifications and Autoresponder (usually emailed to the form submitters).

    GUIDE: encrypted-forms-and-how-to-use-them

  • Melvina Romero
    Replied on February 12, 2021 at 6:27 PM


    I have the key and I receive these encrypted email.   What I want to see the reply email back to the submitter.    I have created a test patient/customer using my personal email when filling out the form, not the email I used for my jotform account.   As the patient/customer, I enter my information with my personal cell phone hoping to get  reply but as the patient/customer filling out the form I don't get that message.  As the recipient, I receive the encrypted email.

    I would like that patient/customer to receive an acknowledgement email.   Isn't that what the auto-responder do?



  • Johann_A
    Replied on February 13, 2021 at 4:41 AM


    From what I understand is that with you have encrypted your submissions using your key so you are able to see the email of the submitters. Then you want to use those emails to send them an autoresponder email, am I correct?

    If you want other users to be able to view encrypted submission emails, you need to send the key file to them. Without the key file, they will not be able to view submissions. The following guide should help you: https://www.jotform.com/help/344-Encrypted-Forms-and-How-to-Use-Them#Where-Can-I-Find-the-Private-Key-After-Downloading-It

    But as my colleague mentioned earlier, The email alerts including the Auto-Responder that you have added in the encrypted form will not work. It is not supported. I would suggest you please take a look at the following guide for more information on how encryption works: https://www.jotform.com/help/344-Encrypted-Forms-and-How-to-Use-Them 

    Hope this will help,
