My AFC imported form is double billing with PayPal Subscription

  • LoJoVA
    Asked on September 22, 2015 at 9:37 AM


    My form is double billing for PayPal subscriptions.  I am not sure what is happening.  I imported this form from Adobe, since I was using them 1st and they decided not to continue.  I then found you guys, but I am having issues with the form billing via PayPal twice for this same form submission.

    On my end I see two PayPal created subscription for the same client and then PayPal charges the same amount twice.  How do I correct this.  I don't want to loose clients due to this error.  I had one client cancel after the first billing thinking I was double billing on purpose.

    Please help.

    Thank you,


  • Ben
    Replied on September 22, 2015 at 11:45 AM

    I am sorry to hear that Christina.

    I did take a look at your website and I see this form being shown on it:

    Now, immediately as I came there, I saw that there are some conflicts which are causing the form not to function properly.

    Unfortunately the conflicts show in different ways, for me, the form was not working so I was not able to go to a new page, to some PayPal might have two subscriptions charged.

    To verify this, I would like to ask you to test your form over the direct URL to see if you get the same error happen to you when opened directly as well.

    This would give us a bit more details as to what might be going on.