We've set up our form responses to integrate successfully with Google Drive but it does not load completely?

  • RichmondProLab
    Asked on July 7, 2016 at 12:25 PM

    We've set up our form responses to integrate successfully with Google Docs, but when viewing the spreadsheet in Google Docs, we're constantly getting messages saying "Working" or "Trying to Connect", making the form inaccessible. It pretty much says this constantly now, although it slowly seems to be pulling in new responses. Refreshing the browser only helps for a few seconds after the page reloads. Is there anything we can try to do to fix this? Is it on the JotForms end or the Google Drive end?

  • Charlie
    Replied on July 7, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    May we know what integration you are referring? I see you posted this question under the Google Spreadsheet integration guide. I asked this because we have two other integrations related to Google Drive, here they are:




    If you are referring to the loading of the Google Spreadsheet integrated to JotForm, then the issue is more related to Google rather than in JotForm. Here's my Google Spreadsheet, it loads completely and there's no problem on my end:

    Weve set up our form responses to integrate successfully with Google Drive but it does not load completely? Image 1 Screenshot 20


    You could try connected to a different ISP, usually if the Google apps are not loading completely, it is most likely somewhat related to your network connection OR a browser issue.

    I hope that helps.