Alat Pemungutan Suara Online Gratis

Kumpulkan suara dan berkolaborasi dengan komunitas Anda melalui platform pemungutan suara online serbaguna Jotform. Hasilkan jajak pendapat kustom, bangun jajak pendapat berbasis gambar, jadwalkan acara pemungutan suara, mulai pemilihan, kumpulkan konsensus, dan banyak lagi dengan alat pemungutan suara gratis kami. Sesuaikan tampilan dan nuansa formulir pemungutan suara dan jajak pendapat Anda dalam hitungan detik — tidak perlu pengodean.


Templat Formulir Voting Online Gratis

Not sure where to start? Choose one of our ready-made form templates below, and make your own customizations without any coding.

Voting Politik

Political Poll Template Image

Exam Date Voting Form

Exam Date Voting Form Image

Art Contest Voting Form

Art Contest Voting Form Image

Pembuat Formulir

Drag-and-drop form builder

Jotform’s powerful drag-and-drop Form Builder simplifies the entire form-building process to make it quick and easy to get started. Add images, checklists, buttons, advanced form fields, integrations, and much more — all without any coding knowledge.

Create Your Voting Form
Drag and Drop Form Builder Image


Make it your own

Customize your voting form to match your branding in just a few clicks. Upload your logo, choose fonts and colors, integrate with widgets and third-party apps, and more. Design your form to streamline the user experience and gather opinions seamlessly.

Create Your Voting Form

Sematkan & Bagikan

Share forms in seconds

Jotform makes it easy to share your polls or surveys on virtually any platform. Send polls through email or direct link, post them on social media, or embed them on your website with a simple copy-paste embed code.

Create Your Voting Form
Share Forms in Seconds Image

Analisis Formulir Jotform

Analyze your data

Ungkapkan wawasan penting dari data polling dan respons survei Anda dengan Analisis Formulir Jotform. Anda juga dapat membuat laporan visual yang terlihat profesional dari data gabungan Anda dengan satu klik menggunakan Pembuat Laporan Jotform.

Create Your Voting Form
Jotform Form Analytics Image

Jotform Table

Track & manage submissions

Effortlessly track and manage submissions with Jotform. Instantly access submissions from any device and efficiently organize them using Jotform Tables.

Create Your Voting Form
Jotform Tables Image

“A total game-changer”

“Jotform has single-handedly changed the culture, efficiency, and productivity of our department. We use it for everything from event scheduling, syllabi gathering, teaching preferences, student visit itineraries, polls, and more. We love the beautiful and easy-to-use interface, and our end users (students, faculty, and staff) find it very user-friendly. Our department head loves data and loves to see charts, graphs, etc., that show where our strengths and weaknesses are in terms of enrollment, recruiting, and engagement. It’s a total game-changer for us.”

Assistant Director,

CMU English

Learn how to create a poll with Jotform

Online Voting Tool Youtube Thumbnail

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang Alat Pemungutan Suara Online

Penelusuran Anda "{searchValue}" tidak cocok dengan hasil apa pun.

  • Apa itu Alat Pemungutan Suara Online Jotform?

    Alat Pemungutan Suara Online Jotform adalah pembangun formulir pemungutan suara kami yang mudah digunakan. Pembangunnya memungkinkan pengguna membuat dan menyesuaikan formulir pemungutan suara — cocok untuk jajak pendapat atau menjadwalkan acara.

  • Bagaimana Anda dapat menggunakan Alat Pemungutan Suara Online untuk menjadwalkan acara?

    Anda dapat menjadwalkan acara dengan Alat Pemungutan Suara Online dengan membuat jajak pendapat penjadwalan online Anda sendiri. Kumpulkan umpan balik tentang ketersediaan peserta dan waktu terbaik untuk bertemu guna menjadwalkan acara Anda. Gunakan salah satu templat jajak pendapat penjadwalan kami yang sudah jadi atau bangun templat Anda sendiri dari awal.

  • What voting types are supported by Jotform?

    Jotform offers several question types to support different ways to vote. Choose from voting elements like date picker, dropdown list, multiple choice, input table, star rating, or scale rating to customize your voting form to match your needs.

  • Can I analyze the results of the voting and elections?

    Yes, you can analyze the results of your voting forms with Jotform Tables and Jotform Report Builder. Start by selecting the voting form you’d like to analyze and then select Jotform Tables. This will allow you to view, sort, and organize all of your responses in one place.