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Creating your first form with Jotform is a breeze, and we’re here to walk you through it. Start by creating a Jotform account or by logging in to your existing account. From the My Forms page, select Create Form. Choose whether you’d like to create your form from scratch or use a ready-made template.
Once you’ve created a form, start customizing! Jotform’s no-code, drag-and-drop builder is intuitive and simple to use. State the purpose of your form in the heading so your audience knows why they’re filling it out. Then add form fields by selecting Add Form Element in the upper-left corner. You’ll see all of the standard form elements under the Basics tab, including pre-formatted fields for Full Name, Date Picker, Signature, Address, and more.
After you’ve personalized your form, it’s time to share it with your users. To do this, you can either share it through a link or embed it on a website. Share your form by copying and pasting your form’s URL or sending it directly through email. To embed your form, navigate to Publish at the top of the Form Builder and select Embed on the left. Pick the embed option that suits your needs.
Our pre-made form templates are a great way for first-time Jotform users to get started with creating forms. To use them, go to the My Forms page and select the Create Form button. Choose the Use Template option, and then use the search bar to find a template that suits your needs.
Once you find the template you want to use, click the Use Template button underneath it to open it in the Form Builder. Use our drag-and-drop builder to customize your form to match your needs. Add or remove form elements, switch up fonts and colors, integrate with other platforms, incorporate widgets, upload photos, and more.
To accept payments online, start by opening your form in the Form Builder and select Add Form Element in the upper-left corner. In the Form Elements panel on the left, select the Payments tab at the top. Scroll through the options or search for the payment processor you want to use. Choose from trusted payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, Square, Venmo, and more. After you’ve chosen your processor, add it to your form and follow the steps to connect your Jotform account with your payment account.
If you want to add tax or shipping fees or apply coupons to your payment form, you can configure these options in the Payment Settings panel at the end of the payment integration setup process.
Open My Forms, select Trash on the left, then hover over the deleted form and click Restore. You can also restore multiple forms at once from your Trash.
You can find your form URL by opening your form in the Form Builder. Click Publish at the top of the page, select Quick Share on the left, and click on Copy Link to copy your form URL.