SMTP Settings: How do I set up STARTTLS as security protocol?

  • FTX
    Asked on January 6, 2017 at 9:03 AM

    I try to configure our own SMTP server instead of JotForm's servers. We use a Office 365 account:


    Port: 587
    Encryption method: STARTTLS

    In the dialog of the Security Protocol you only offer TLS, SSL or Non-secure and we always get a Mail "JotForm SMTP account error".
    How do I configure an account with Encryption method: STARTTLS?
    regards Jan


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 6, 2017 at 11:17 AM

    Since the STARTTLS protocol is not listed in the SMTP settings you could use the SSL protocol and it should work for you.

    I will also submit this thread to our second level so our developers can update us about what the settings could be and if this protocol can be set up.

    We will let you know as soon as we receive updates regarding this matter. 


  • Scott JotForm Developer
    Replied on January 9, 2017 at 9:47 AM

    Hey FTX,

    I consulted this concern of yours to our DevOps team.

    You can use TSL protocol for your needs, without any problem.

    There is a generic naming problem when it comes to TLS vs StartTLS. Maybe you can find this quotation helpful:

    "TLS vs STARTTLS naming problem
    One significant complicating factor is that some email software incorrectly uses the term TLS when they should have used STARTTLS. Older versions of Thunderbird in particular used "TLS" to mean "enforce use of STARTTLS to upgrade the connection, and fail if STARTTLS is not supported" and "TLS, if available" to mean "use STARTTLS to upgrade the connection if the server advertises support for it, otherwise just use an insecure connection"."


    Let us know if you have any other questions.