How do I change (in a current form) a radio button option to a check box option, without having to re-create the question?

  • plm0403
    Asked on January 12, 2017 at 6:12 PM

    I have a current form that I am using; but need to change the questions to a check box from a radio button. Can this be done without creating a new question?

  • jonathan
    Replied on January 12, 2017 at 9:43 PM

    It is not possible to change the Field type to another type using the Form Builder.

    What you can do instead is just the new field type and then change it's field label/question to that of the previous field. 


    How do I change (in a current form) a radio button option to a check box option, without having to re create the question? Image 1 Screenshot 20



    If there is existing submission data for the previous field (Radio), it will be lose if the Radio field is removed on the form.

    The common workaround to retain the data is to hide the replaced field so it will not be seen on the live form.