If I change a field option on my form, does it affect previous submission data?

  • lcme
    Asked on February 1, 2017 at 10:40 AM

    If I were to change the "options' in for example, a drop down menu field, and removed a option that was previously there, would anyone who completed the form before I changed it and picked the option previously there still appear on the data export?

    For example, say I had the two options:



    Two users completed and submitted the form and selected A.


    I then changed the form to say




    I then exported the data, would the two users that picked A, still show up on the form, regardless of the edit and time when I export the data?


    Thank you!

  • Rose
    Replied on February 1, 2017 at 10:54 AM

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Any changes on fields done after any of the previous submissions, do not affect the previous submission data.On the other hand, if your user edit his/her submission, the new submission will rewrite the current one. I mean, the submission Id does not change but the datas changes.  

    Hope, everything is clear for you. If I misunderstood your question, please provide us some more details.