My jot form editor is not the same as when I click preview form

  • amirghiassi
    Asked on February 13, 2017 at 4:03 PM

    I think I have lost loads of work on this form:

    But although I cannot see the fields in my editor, they appear when I press Preview Form on pages 7-9. These were the last pages I edited apart from a few edits on other pages.

    Have I lost my work or is there a way of retrieving it.

    The error happened when I added Paypal Pro. Could that be the problem or is the form too large? Was up to around 700 fields although only 518 showing up at the moment.

    So so gutted as looked at the revision history and nothing there - a list mostly saying no updates. Why does the green sign at the top keep telling me "all changes saved" then?

    Really would appreciate your help.

  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on February 13, 2017 at 6:48 PM

    There is a new version of the editor, could you illustrate with a screenshot the section that is not showing on edit mode, but it shows on preview? 

    Load the link of this thread in your browser: 

    Then upload the screenshot as shown on this guide: