How can I set an Enrollment form with limited time slots?

  • gamhazell
    Asked on February 25, 2017 at 7:58 AM



    I'm trying to set up an enrollment form for my music school. But each time slot only has space for a limited amount of persons. I would like to do something either to show that no more space is available for that time slot or something similar. What can I do?

  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on February 25, 2017 at 9:39 AM

    You may use a widget to achieve this. Since you haven't given any specifics on what you're trying to build, I'll list some below that works like an Inventory

    (e.g. will have a set amount of items/slots/schedules/dates available and will continuously reduce the number for each submission until you ran out of slots/items):

    1. Inventory Widget

    2. Date Reservation Widget

    3. Ticket Purchases Widget

    4. Gift Registry Widget

    5. Appointment Slots Widget

    Each of the pages above have a respective description and demo on how the widget actually works and some example use cases. Feel free to review them and pick one that will suit your needs.

    Related guide: How-to-Add-a-Widget-to-your-Form