Postcode address lookup for UK

  • lafhab2
    Asked on March 5, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    When we have forms asking for a UK address, it is much easier for visitors to enter the postcode and then select their address from the results, one of the many advantages include avoiding spelling mistakes, correct capitalisation, and not losing visitors who abandon the form as they can't be bothered entering their full address.

    To be clear, this is address lookup from postcode entry, not postcode validation.

    This has been requested several times but I can't see from the forums that anyone has had major success for a UK solution.

    Some of the suggestions include Google address validation, however as a US-based provider, Jotform probably could not understand how this does not help UK customers, nor the need for a UK-specific service.

    I would therefore ask Jotform to consider a solution for UK (and beyond) customers, for the UK this would involve the use and licensing of Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF), however many companies have incorporated this by using a premium/credits based system.  Alternatively, a 3rd party integration that would fit in with Jotform.

    If anyone has successfully integrated a postcode-lookup on their forms please comment here...

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on March 5, 2017 at 2:36 PM

    We have a widget that helps in finding the city by the Postal code and this works with any country in the world.

    Since you want to have the complete address, you may consider using one of the widgets below to auto-complete the address or by selecting from the Map.

    Please give it a try and let us know if these widgets don't fit your requirements. We will be happy to assist. 

  • lafhab2
    Replied on March 5, 2017 at 3:10 PM

    Thank you, this isn't quite what I was after but it comes very close.  I have tried it in one of my forms and it seems to work well, but I do find one minor issue with this widget - the 'postal code' field is too small for the UK postcode format (8 alphanumeric digits) and there doesn't seem to be any option to alter the size of any of the boxes. Can the box sizes be edited, perhaps using CSS?