Can I make the From: email address appear in the To: email add's inbox as the reply-to: email?

  • cobaltwarrior
    Asked on March 21, 2017 at 1:46 PM

    I do not mind the via tag in gmail, however I would like to somehow make this seem like an organic referral email coming from my target's customer.

    I understand how to change the reply-to address to 1 static option, however I would like this to be dynamic and change with each submission automatically to the "From:"


    So is there a way to make the "From:" email somehow appear as the "Reply-to:" email address (even with via jotform) when the recipient receives this email in their inbox?

  • jonathan
    Replied on March 21, 2017 at 4:39 PM

    You created multiple threads about this same question. Please do not do this to avoid confusion. You will get a faster response by posting only once with clear details.

    Your question was already being responded on the other thread here

    Please refer to that thread instead.