Does any of the payment options allow multi currency?

  • eiermann
    Asked on April 12, 2017 at 7:41 AM

    Does any of the payment options allow multi currency? For example depending on the form language or location of the user it shows either EUR or AUD? Is that possible?

  • seth
    Replied on April 12, 2017 at 8:43 AM


    I am sorry but it is not possible to add multiple currencies on a single payment field. However there are two solutions to have this kind of payment options.

    1) Create a form and then clone it. You can define forms with one currency at a time and redirect the users to the related form.

    2) You can create a form with multiple payment options. In one form you will embed another form with a different currency. Here is a guide about it:

    Please contact us again if you have further questions.

    All the best!