Multiple subscription purchases discount?

  • Michael
    Asked on May 4, 2017 at 12:16 PM

    I want to use jot forms for my clients and have them access their jot forms through my website.


    I plan on having a jot form subscription for each of my clients.  Can I get a discount from the rate since, I will be purchasinig multiple jotform subscriptions.

    Call me at 985-209-2045

    Michael Vinci


  • BJoanna
    Replied on May 4, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    If you create multiple account for your clients, they will have access to their account from JotForm login page.

    We do not have discounts for multiple subscriptions. We only have non-profit discount and educational discount. 

    I am not sure how many clients will you have and how many forms will they have, but you can also store all forms on your account and add each of your client as sub account user. This way all forms will be stored on your account and each client will have access to their forms. This way maybe you will not have to purchase multiple subscriptions. More about sub account users you can find inside of this guide:

    How to Share Forms with a Sub-account User

    Please note that there is a limit of sub account users and it will depend on the Pricing Plan you have for your main account.

    We have enterprise version of JotForm. 

    Hope this will help.