How to create filter using answers field using API?

  • creswellcasey
    Asked on June 5, 2017 at 3:42 AM



    I am trying to filter the submissions of a form using form's answer whose Id is 77.

    What key should I use? right now i used answers_77_answer:eq


    var client = new JotForm.APIClient(Helpers.EnvironmentVariables.JotFromApikey);

    Dictionary<String, String> submissionFilter = new Dictionary<string, string>();

     submissionFilter.Add("answers_77_answer:eq", Orderreq.SubmissionId);

    var submissions = client.getFormSubmissons(formID: Convert.ToInt64(jotformMenuId),filter: submissionFilter)["content"];


    I am getting all data. Filter is not working.


  • Charlie
    Replied on June 5, 2017 at 4:44 AM


    I presume you are using JotForm's API to fetch the submission and filter them? We have a separate forum page and contact for this types of concern. Please post your question in our developer's forum page here: You can also email our API team at

    I'm also not familiar with the language you are using, but I see that in this API page section: There's an option to set a filter. 

    How to create filter using answers field using API? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    However, it seems like you can only filter submission ID, creation date and last update date, it was mentioned in this forum post: Although it was dated 2 years ago. It's best to confirm this with the API team. 

    Another possible way is to fetch all the submissions using the general API call and create a function or method to filter from that list.

    I hope that helps.