O tempo não está trocando automaticamente mesmo com a opção "Atual" (campos: data e hora)

  • marcellobrazil
    Asked on October 19, 2017 at 2:17 PM


    Por exemplo:
    Quero que o Perfil de Compras responda primeiro e grava o dia e hora que preencheu, depois quando Marketing receber o email com o link de edição quero que Marketing entre no formulario e este mesmo grave o dia e horario que preencheu

    Replied on October 19, 2017 at 3:51 PM

    Thank you for contacting us. Would such a scenario work for you? have the date picker set to current as it has been set in the form. You can also set the element to read only so that it cannot be changed and will input the current date and time in the field. You can do this by Setting the Read-Only in the field properties to YES.

    Based on your explanation this will ensure the date is captured but cannot be edited bay anyone.

    Kindly let us know if the above will work.

  • marcellobrazil
    Replied on October 19, 2017 at 3:56 PM

    Eu quero que o campo de data altere toda vez que alguem clicar em Edit Link, isso é  possível? se sim como faço?

  • Marvih
    Replied on October 19, 2017 at 6:38 PM

    First add "Get form page URL" widget.O tempo não está trocando automaticamente mesmo com a opção Atual (campos: data e hora) Image 10

    On your form settings change the "Clear Hidden Field Values" to "Clear on Being Hidden".

    O tempo não está trocando automaticamente mesmo com a opção Atual (campos: data e hora) Image 21

    Then add another "Date Picker" field, set it as "Hidden" and set the Default Date as "CURRENT"

    O tempo não está trocando automaticamente mesmo com a opção Atual (campos: data e hora) Image 32

    Then add this condition.

    O tempo não está trocando automaticamente mesmo com a opção Atual (campos: data e hora) Image 43

  • marcellobrazil
    Replied on October 20, 2017 at 7:50 AM

    Can I do this "On your form settings change the "Clear Hidden Field Values" to "Clear on Being Hidden" just for those fields? Some part of the form I need to keep

    Replied on October 20, 2017 at 9:27 AM

    Unfortunately you can not "Clear Hidden Field Values" of a single field. However you can use conditional logic to clear this specific fields.

     To do this kindly do the following

    1. Click on Conditions menu in the form settings.

    2. Choose Update a form field value.

    3. Then on the conditions add a blank field.

    1508505957clear fields condition Screenshot 10

    Below is a clone of the form you can use as a sample.

    Kindly feel free to clone the form.