Why is the form layout different?

  • VolleyballQLD
    Asked on December 28, 2017 at 10:05 PM

    Am I going crazy.  I just started up a new form to test some possible ways of improving a current form and the first question I put in has a submit button.  Then when I add others it changes to have a next and previous button.  Even a text only has a submit button.

    Also the build section is different with a new option Multi-Line option and others appear to be gone.

    But when I go back to current forms, none of this appears and the build section is back to the way it was.

    What the *&^*^* is going on!  Have I missed some memo (entirely possible).  Is someone messing with me.   Is there an option when I "create new form" that I can't see?

    This is sending me bananas.  -   Wait  - there is also a new thing called Image Choice  (noticed this when doing a screen shot)  and I noticed people have been asking questions about Image Choice on the forum for months now.  But I created a new form a couple of days ago and it didn't happen then.   

    I need help - please explain.

    Jill Kelly

    Jotform Thread 1333594 Screenshot
  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on December 29, 2017 at 4:00 AM

    Hello Jill - What you're describing are the form layouts. We offer 2 layouts now, JOTFORM CLASSIC (screenshot on the right) and JOTFORM CARDS (screenshot on the left) based on the image you posted here.

    You can change your form's layout by navigating to SETTINGS > FORM SETTINGS > SHOW MORE OPTIONS button > scroll all the way down to the bottom and toggle the FORM LAYOUT option to ALL QUESTIONS IN ONE PAGE.

    Why is the form layout different? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    This will change the layout of that form alone. If you want to make the changes on the account level, you can do that on your Account's Settings page.

    Why is the form layout different? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Keep in mind this won't change the layout of existing forms. It will only apply to new forms you're about to create.

  • VolleyballQLD
    Replied on December 29, 2017 at 8:32 AM

    Thanks Jim_R for your answer. 

    I see that the form layout option in our account's settings was set to "Single Question in One Page".  I don't recall this option in settings on previous visits.  Has this just been added and how come ours was set to the single option?  It obviously wasn't 3 days ago when I created a new form.

    So this is what sends us crazy.  Things are added - new options in the settings - new layouts - changes to field properties etc. but we don't get any warning.  Are these changes documented some where on the web page?

    Also I have noticed your screen shot of the account's settings has something we don't have. Form Builder - version 3 or 4.  Why would that be?1514553682JotformDec Screenshot 10

  • Adrian
    Replied on December 29, 2017 at 9:43 AM

    JotForm keeps making the product better by adding new features almost every day.

    We are very sorry for the confusion, but we hope you have it clear now, that we have two options for your Form Layout.

    You can check all the help articles here: https://www.jotform.com/help/

    The option for the Form Builder is only available to the Support Team.

    Let us know if you need any other clarification.