Organizing names of Pages.

  • khanccg
    Asked on January 4, 2018 at 2:11 AM


    Im just finalizing a project, and for some reason on page 19, my last page which should be submit, not it is names introductory training, which is the name of my second page. 

    How does the naming thing work on jotform? 

    On my first page which is just "training options", at the bottom where the back button is, when i click that and go into advanced im able to name the page. But is that for the page it is currently on, or the page below it? 

    Please get back to me soon if you can, thanks!



  • Ardian_L
    Replied on January 4, 2018 at 4:27 AM

    You can add the Header element in the top of the form. If you don't need that you can always remove it. It is not necessary to have a header element on the form.

    Please let us know if you have any other question.

  • khanccg
    Replied on January 4, 2018 at 1:43 PM
    Hi Ardian,
    I think maybe my question is misunderstood.
    Im having an issue with changing the name of my first page, it also simultaneously changes the name of my last page.
    Why is this happening?
    Also did jot form change how the pages are labeled? Before at the bottom of the [age where the back button is, is the label for the page below it, and now it is not that way.
    Do you know what I mean?
    I need each page to have its own name, not the first and last page to have the same name.
    Please get back to me ASAP :)
  • Adrian
    Replied on January 4, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    That is happening because the UNIQUE NAMES of the first Page Break and the last Page Break are identical.

    Organizing names of Pages. Image 10

    Organizing names of Pages. Image 21

    I don't know how that happened, but they are being treated like it is just one Page Break by the BUILDER.

    Let me investigate further into the issue and I will come back with an answer.

  • Adrian
    Replied on January 4, 2018 at 4:31 PM

    Look like that is the intended behavior of the first and the last page break.

    1515101557tststs Screenshot 10

    Makes sense because, on the last page, it makes no sense to have the NEXT button and on the first page we don't need the PREV button.


    Is there any reason why would you want to change the Page Name of the first and the last page? Are you using them in a conditional?

    I would just leave it empty and identify them with the page number (Page 1, Page 19).

  • khanccg
    Replied on January 5, 2018 at 1:43 PM
    Thanks for looking into this further.
    I like your idea of leaving the names off and identifying by number.
    Im going to give that a try.