How to Disable Discount advertisement showing when logging to paid account

  • my_property
    Asked on January 5, 2018 at 12:11 AM

    I'm a paying user for JotForm because I hate seeing advertisement! But the main page keep popping up advertisement asking me to upgrade to other paid jotform package EVERDAY i log in to jotform. The adv" final day for 2018" or some related shit.

    I've ticked the bottom box to "not show me again" but it keep reappearing!

    Stop pushing adv for paid customer! what is the point when we pay monthly but still need to see this adv shit?! 

    Replied on January 5, 2018 at 5:18 AM

    Apologies for any inconveniences caused by our advertisement pop up. Checking the do not show this again" will disable adverts to your account any time you login to your account again. I have checked your account and you should not be getting the popup anymore.

    Kindly try and let us know if the Discount advertisement still pops up when you login to your account.

    I also noted that a pop up requesting you to verify your email shows when you login, I would recommend you verify the email you are using when the email verification pop up shows up again when you login to your account.